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3 Quick and Effective Circuit Workouts to Slot in Your Schedule

3 Quick and Effective Circuit Workouts to Slot in Your Schedule

We all have been guilty at some point in life of making the excuse of not training or for not achieving our fitness goals. We are all constantly striving for a positive work-life balance. Achieving this goal is another story. Rush, run, dash - all words synonymous with modern life.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the game in terms of homeworking, however there remains a latent effect of long office and commuting hours from previous years. This only leads to the deterioration of physical and mental health leading to an inefficient and unproductive workforce, compared to European counterparts.

It’s easy to lose your equilibrium. Work takes over, conference calls mount up, gym motivation drops...you aren’t alone!

The meaning of a ‘quick and effective’ workout

Lack of time doesn’t mean that you have to compromise on your form or quality of workout. For a quick, effective and time efficient  workout, increase the intensity, reduce the rest periods and include compound movements for a complete body workout.

Effectiveness is relative to the goals of the individual. Introducing fast, yet effective workouts into your schedule will allow you to meet aforementioned goals, whether they are aesthetic, competition or even well being based.

Why is HIIT time-efficient?

90 minute powerlifting programs and steady 10ks are not for everyone. Short bursts of high-intensity movements and resistance training promote the same amount of calorie burn as longer, traditional forms of cardio. 30-mins of HIIT can burn up to 25-30% more calories than longer stints of cycling or running: ideal when lacking on time but looking for big results. 

1 - Metabolic conditioning for those on the move

MetCon circuits c
ombine cardio and resistance interval training with exercises that maximise calorie burn, boost metabolism and promote muscular endurance

Metabolic conditioning exercises work your entire body as hard as it can for an extended period of time. Metabolic conditioning supports the efficiency of your glycolytic energy system (using glucose to produce energy for short, intense exercise) while providing cross-benefits to our anaerobic and aerobic conditioning simultaneously.

After an intense workout, your post-exercise oxygen consumption (also known as afterburn) keeps the body burning fat for up to 38 hours. The harder you work during a MetCon, the more you maximise this output. 

Metabolic conditioning is synonymous with Crossfit athletes, so come prepped and hydrated for a serious workout.

Exercise examples:

  • Clean and Press
  • Burpees variations
  • Hand Release Push-Ups

PT tip: go at your pace. Have a challenging rep target and stick to it while maintaining form.

2- Powering your way through a hectic day with plyometrics

Exert maximum force in minimal time and stimulate several muscle groups simultaneously. Enter plyometrics.

Include plyometrics into your weekly regimen, whether you are seeking faster competition times, increased lifting PBs or overall muscle definition. 

Power and increased muscle tone is related to the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC). This is where a muscle stretches before immediately shortening. By loading your muscles in such a way, you fire up your fast-twitch fibres causing a spring like effect in your muscles that generates more speed and power.

These movements are full-body— think jumping squats, barbell cleans and snatches. 

Exercise examples:

  • Box jumps
  • Squat thrusts
  • Explosive push-ups
  • Switch lunges

    PT tip: coming down is just as important. Focus on those soft landings for max muscle recruitment

    3 - Lift your way to strength gains

    Strength and resistance circuits push you to exert maximum muscle effort for extended periods. During training, muscles experience stress under tension as a result of lifting, pulling or pressing high amounts of resistance. This causes fibre damage (in a positive way!), which explains the DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) you may experience after a session. 

    Post-workout, your body repairs the damaged fibres, fusing them together and building new protein strands for proper strength gains and muscle tone, providing you with a solid foundation to move on and train harder.

    Exercise examples:

    • Goblet Squat
    • Bent over two-dumbbell row
    • Renegade Row

    PT tip: Utilise your core throughout all LIFT moves. It’s a critical part of correct form and needs to be constantly engaged

    Incorporating these quick and effective workout strategies into your routine can transform even the busiest schedule into an opportunity for progress. Whether you're tackling HIIT, MetCon circuits, plyometrics, or strength training, the key is consistency and intensity. Remember, it's not about the time you have, but how you use it. By prioritizing your fitness, even in small bursts, you'll build strength, enhance endurance, and maintain a healthier balance in your life. So, take charge, stay committed, and let these dynamic workouts be your catalyst for achieving your fitness goals, no matter how hectic life gets.